These stories are a tribute to urban legends and folk stories. A simulation of living in a country where we wake up from dreams and nightmares only to find out that it's been real all along.

Hello, my name is Efe Levent. I am the founder and editor-in-chief of Mangal Media, a publishing platform for writers and artists in the periphery. I spent most of the 2010s studying white expats in Taiwan for my PhD thesis and calling myself an anthropologist, then I dropped out and decided to get into creative writing. But no matter what I write I still have a strange umbilical attachment to my academic foundation.

My first book Guide to Every City is a guidebook to a city that doesn’t exist. My second book It Happened Here is a 2006 academic report about an ancient Phyrigian prophecy allegedly discovered by an organisation called Global Anthropological Society (GAS).

I am also from Ankara, which is relevant to my personality.

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I am Efe Levent former anthropologist turned fiction writer. These stories are a tribute to urban legends and folk stories. A simulation of living in a country where we wake up from dreams and nightmares only to find out that it's been real all along.


EIC @Mangal_Media author of Guide to Every CIty